Flying into Collbran, CO.
There are daily flights directly into Denver. The closest airport is Walker Field in Grand Junction, CO.

Lodging in Collbran
You are responsible for your lodging in Collbran. We can provide a list of recommended lodging in the Durango area.

Summer Weather Conditions
June through September typically have warm days with highs in the 70os and 80os. June usually has sunny afternoons while July and August often have afternoon thunderstorms. The possibility of light snow always exists in the higher elevations, even in July and August. Expect cool nights with lows in the 30os to 50os. For summer trips, bring a sleeping bag rated at 10o-20o. Upon booking a trip, we will send you a recommended equipment list appropriate to your trip.

Fall Weather Conditions
Weather is unpredictable. Daytime temperatures in the fall can range from 20o-60o with nights in the -0o-30o range. Rain and snow are always possible. Bring a sleeping bag rated to -10o-20o.

Reservations and Booking
We suggest you make your reservations early. Many of our trips are popular and fill up quickly. All of our trips are have a high rate of return clients.

Fishing Licenses
A Colorado fishing license is required and available at most sporting goods stores in addition to the Colorado Division of Wildlife. You are required to purchase your own fishing license prior to trip departure.

Deposit Policy
Deposits can be in the form of check, money order or Visa, Mastercard or American Express.

Final Payment
Final payment is due 45 days prior to trip departure date. Final payments can be in the form of check, money order or Visa, Mastercard or American Express.

Rifle Specifics
The most important thing is to practice! Almost any rifle will kill with a good shot. Site your rifle in at 250 yards and know how it shoots from 50- 400 yards. Popular guns are 30/06, 7mm mag, 270, 300 and 338 mag. We recommend bullet weight between 150-180 grains. 500 sq inches of blaze orange including a hat are required.

Please enjoy your visit and come back soon!


CALL (970) 268-5205